Class Rules
- NO CHILDREN WILL BE ALLOWED AT THE STUDIO UNDER ANY CIRCUMSTANCES (this includes group classes, private lessons, workshops and studio hire) as it is a liability issue with the swimming pool.
- The studio will only be open 15 minutes BEFORE the first class, if you arrive earlier please wait in your car/ outside until such time as the studio opens.
- The studio will close 15 minutes AFTER the last class, if you are using UBER/ third party transport please ensure that you call the transport 15 minutes before your class ends or prearrange the correct time for pick up.
- NO PARKING ALLOWED outside the two garages on the left of the studio. Please also DO NOT DRIVE ONTO the field to park.
- DO NOT wear any hand and/or body cream/lotion to pole class (do not use lotion on that day at all).
- DO NOT wear any jewellery and/or watches to pole class.
- Please ensure that you advise the instructor of any injuries that you may have prior to the start of the class so that they can adapt the class for you accordingly.
- Please check your Pole/Lyra is secure BEFORE you use it. Call the Instructor to assist you if your pole needs to be tightened or lyra needs to be secured.
- Please CLEAN the pole and lyras properly with the allocated cleaner BEFORE AND AFTER your class especially if you have used grip aids.
- There are no claiming of poles/lyras at the studio, it will be on a first come first serve basis!
- Please ensure all equipment such as yoga mats, the crash mat, therabands, yoga blocks and ankle weights are sprayed with disinfectant after each use and packed away neatly as you found them.
- If you break or damage any of the Studio’s property and/or equipment for any reason whatsoever, you will be held responsible for such damage and be liable to pay the reasonable cost of fixing such damage to the property and/or equipment. Therefore please take care of all property and/or equipment utilised during your training.
- There is a shelf at the front of the studio, please make use of these shelves to store your belongings during your class so there are no bags left on the floor.
- If you have very sweaty hands grip aids are available to buy. Please contact the Studio (072 072 9178) for more information on the various grip aids available.
- Class credits are not transferrable, i.e. students are not allowed to transfer/gift their classes to non students or other students at the Studio. You are welcome to buy a voucher from us for class credits for someone else as a gift. Please contact the Studio (072 072 9178) for more information on gift vouchers for any occasion
- If you are attending a lyra class and the poles need to be taken down please assist the instructor to take them down and put them back up after class so that we do not run late for the next class.
- During the summer months it gets very hot and we cannot always make use of the air conditioner (during loadshedding) so please ensure you keep hygiene levels to a maximum for the benefit of yourself and other students in the class, this includes using deodorant and wet wipes so that we keep body odour to a minimum. I have placed extra wet wipes and deodorant by the sanitiser/pole cleaner for your use if you forget to bring in your pole bag.
- ALL bookings will be made via the Bookamat App (“the App”). An invite link will be sent to you accordingly to register and pay for your credit package. Any class bookings made outside of the App will be considered null and void.
- Bookings on the App will open one week in advance. That means on Monday morning the bookings for the following Monday classes will open, on Tuesday the bookings for the following Tuesday will open and so it follows on for the rest of the week.
- All bookings requested after eight (8) people have already booked for a POLE/LYRA class on the App will be placed on a waiting list. If you do not get a place in the class please reject the waiting list so that your credit can be returned accordingly.
- When you are booking on the App please check to ensure that you are booked into the correct class (e.g. in studio and NOT online, correct time etc.). Please also check to see that you have actually been booked in or placed on the waiting list as if you are on the waiting list and you come to class you will be turned away. Only those students booked into the class will be allowed to attend. The App will let you know via a notification if a spot opens up so that you can confirm it and be booked into the class.
- ALL CLASSES NOT CANCELLED BY YOU AT LEAST 5 HOURS BEFORE (20:00) THE NIGHT BEFORE IN THE CASE OF MORNING/WEEKEND CLASSES) WILL BE FORFEITED unless there is an emergency or special circumstances. If you do not cancel your class within this time frame the class will automatically be deducted off your class credits on the App. There are NO EXCEPTIONS.
- If you cannot make a class for whatever reason please ensure you cancel on the App even if it is within the 5 hour cancellation window. There are usually other students on the waiting list so please DON’T just not come!! Be kind and fair to your fellow pole dance friends if you can’t make it maybe one of them can take your spot ☺
- A REMINDER THAT ALL OUR FITNESS CLASSES ARE AVAILABLE ON ZOOM so you can come in studio for your class or do it online from the comfort of your own home. if you miss the class you can access the recording for 7 days via the App or do the class again if you want ☺.
- If you have booked for a fitness class in studio (e.g. pole flex) but cannot make it for whatever reason please DON’T just cancel your class on the App as you will still be able to access the recording for 7 days until the next class for you to do in your own time. This applies whether you booked online or in studio ☺
- If you are on a monthly package, classes missed can be caught up, however all catch up classes MUST be made up WITHIN the month, THERE ARE NO CARRY OVER CLASSES TO THE NEXT MONTH. Please be consistent with your lessons. NO EXCEPTIONS. Class Packages are available to buy on Bookamat as an alternative to monthly packages.
- If you know you will be away/or you are sick, please ensure you allocate your time accordingly by making up your classes within the month i.e. before or after your holiday. All your credits for the month are allocated at the beginning of each month.
- A reminder that we do have class packages available so if you know you are away for some time during a particular month and won’t make all your classes then buy a class package for that month and not a monthly package.
- Monthly credits can be put on hold for a month at maximum. If you are sick or injured please let the Studio know as soon as reasonably possible to place your credits on hold. Once the month has passed your credits will automatically become active for you to use. If they are not used within that next month they will be forfeited. Four (4) or more people need to book for a class to take place otherwise it will be cancelled. You will be notified of such cancellation well in advance (at least 5 hours before) and you will then have the option to rebook for another class during the month as your credit will be returned automatically.
- Please book pole classes that are for your level and not according to a time that suits you. If you book a class not suitable for your level your booking will be deleted, and your credit returned. There are pole cards available in studio to assist you in determining which pole level class you should be in (Please ask your pole instructor to assist you with your pole card and for any advice as to which pole level class you should attend).
- If you would like to purchase water/ energade please buy a water card which gives you 10 waters for R60.00. Please let the instructor mark it off (if you have a water card) and let her get it for you. No more cash purchases will be allowed.